"); Arizona woodpecker. Due to this, population trends for the Gilded Flicker have a present evaluation level of Least Concern. Males and females often appear similar but the males commonly have more prominent red or yellow head markings. Shows a strong affinity for saguaro cactus but also found in nearby woodland. // Calls. "Peeah" call is heard throughout the nesting season. When birds are close together and displaying they may make a quiet, rhythmic wick-a, wick-a call. birds! document.write(""); Arizona woodpecker. Due to this, population trends for the Gilded Flicker have a present evaluation level of Least Concern. Males and females often appear similar but the males commonly have more prominent red or yellow head markings. Shows a strong affinity for saguaro cactus but also found in nearby woodland. // Calls. "Peeah" call is heard throughout the nesting season. When birds are close together and displaying they may make a quiet, rhythmic wick-a, wick-a call. birds! document.write("


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